Earth Changes Two


After having read the changes and potential changes thus far, it is obvious patterns are present. The pattern for the types of Earth changes consists primarily of floods, wind, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. These represent the very elements and movements of the Earth, ways to effect physical conditions on the planet. The pattern for needed human changes suggests that the human vibration is causing pain and suffering to the Earth, as well as to other humans and other life forms on the planet. These harmful vibrations are reflections not only of physical pain but also of the mental and emotional harm that is part of our everyday hatred, greed and uncaring ways. We must recognize this before we can begin to affect solutions to the very problems we create. Discussing it is important, but we cannot simply talk about the human condition. It requires much more than intellectualizing the various issues, as this is only touches the surface. I am referring to global concerns of course, as well as change at the most personal level possible. Sincere solutions mandate a true, heart felt desire to view all things in a loving way. In the process of accomplishing this, we will automatically change how we view and treat everything around us.

Keep these thoughts in mind as you read on. Dare if you will, to examine your own life and life style. Not every soul on Earth will accept the responsibility to change, or even the potentials suggested in this book and others. When enough of us decide to affect change, we can create more positive energies. It is not so necessary to heal a brother or sister. It is more important that we look at ourself and create the change from within. As we do this, we will alter the current energy levels and attitudes around us, and create the kinds of changes that compliment the Earth and human existences.

Choices Of Humankind And Mother Earth, And Changes In Belief Systems

June 23, 1992

"The One Creator has spoken and I am pleased. (See the June 23, 1992 channeling by the God Source in chapter 1.) Everything that I do, I do in love of the One and in love for all. I do not think lightly of human suffering or of human life. But I know the place for these experiences within the universe. I know that each human has asked to be here on the Earth at this time. I know the purpose for each. I know all of this and I do love each. But I also love the Earth and the other planets that help balance the solar system.

Just as each person on the Earth has agreed to follow a certain path, so has the Earth. The One and I agree to help each person as you ask for it. So to has the Earth asked. And if humankind chooses not to recall its role and its path to the One, then so be it. Mother Earth does know and has chosen her path to the One. I will assist each when I am asked.

I will now give you more changes that will take place upon the Earth as part of her desire to raise herself. You are free to refer to this as a raising in vibrations and becoming less dense. But it is really the raising of her love level. This is the reason for all existence.

What I say in the way of Earth changes is not intended to frighten in any way. But change does frighten many people as they put their truth in physical and emotional security. The churches and religions of today give millions this very kind of security. And so it is that the energies from the Earth changes will seem to drive a wedge into the heart of the sacred belief systems on the Earth. This energy will create such mass confusion as to possibly cause the complete collapse of those belief systems that are structured around complete control of their following. There will even be religious riots and revolts, and the people will not understand the reasons for their actions. They will choose to blame the economy and other events such as flooding and famine. All of this is part of the cleansing that must take place. These institutions must break up enough to relinquish the hold on the many. The people do have the choice, again, to remain with their beliefs or seek other answers to their being. But they will be given these opportunities. All major belief systems on the Earth will have gone through this process by the year 2000.

Many of those reading these changes may focus on the physical changes that are to take place. But if it were not for the non-physical changes that are needed, there would be few physical changes. All would then be in harmony and would resonate with Mother Earth. Then the transformation would be even more joyous.

I have just spoken of the changes to religious belief systems. These same Earth changes are going to cause humankind to reevaluate all of your belief systems, be they religious, scientific, emotional, and even family values. Many will begin to realize that time is of no value - it only constricts growth. Many will choose to hold even tighter grips on the control systems currently in place. For these, to loose control would seem the same as self destruction.

The changes I speak of tonight are the changes that must be made. If not, then for these there will be no change. To this I will speak in the future.

I leave in the love of the One Creator."

The Sun God

AIDS And The Oceans Of Arizona

June 28, 1992

"There is a city on your west coast called San Francisco. There once was a great fire there. This was a cleansing fire and it touched that city with the fire element. It caused much damage and also created a new way of thinking. But much of that has been changed by that city's mass consciousness. At the same time, we are aware of large groups of people there who seek and search for their own freedom, their own reason for being. Despite these efforts, so much is done out of anger and deep seated hurts. Many are naturally drawn to this place who feel these same emotions. While their collective voices are being heard, they do not understand that their mass vibration is not of the highest level of love. So they draw a non-love energy to them, one that intensifies the anger and hatred of so many there.

Why am I speaking of this? Much has been made of the AIDS disease. Many of those in this city have such a disorder. Those who judge and point their finger at homosexuals, say they are the reason for this. Those who are drawn to this city also draw this to themself, for they do not understand that "like attracts like" [a universal law], and they continue to voice the anger that spreads this disease. I tell you humankind has created this very dis-ease, as you have all your ailments. It is not a disease of the homosexuals anymore than of the heterosexuals. All people have the potential for this syndrome. Many have chosen it to call attention to their own situation and to seek enlightenment for their own cause. But in doing this, these same individuals do not anticipate or understand the reasons and "mechanics" of mass consciousness. For, if it is not directed in a positive way, it will continue to feed on the anger of those with the syndrome, and the hate by those for the groups who seem to carry it.

This can change, but only with the will of the people. The Earth changes intensify the very symptoms. There are physical cures available if the truth is known. But the same hatred which causes its spread is also with those who control the cure. They wish to exterminate what they judge as an undesirable group. Only mass consciousness can change this, as this is what has created it in the first place. But I tell you, each has the power within to cure all disease.

Many believe that the physical changes to the Earth are the meaning of "Earth changes". I have tried to tell you that the physical changes only represent the manifestation of the non-physical ailments. All things are first created in the mind, in the etheric. What you think is what you see.

I will end the channeling today with the knowledge for you of such a physical change. The state of Arizona contains much energy in the way of vortices. Many people know that this was an ocean in times past. I tell you this will be so again. It does not matter that the energy spots are above or below the water, the energy still remains. There is such beautiful dolphine energy in several areas, and this will again be a place where this beautiful being of light can roam in the physical again. And this is the reason for this change to your planet.

I leave but I love all and I love the One Creator."

The Sun God

China And The Middle East

July 1, 1992

"The countries of the orient will be very aware of the changes. I have already spoken of changes to mountain ranges and some flooding. There are many countries that run together as neighbors, with China being the primary land mass. The people of China wish to have their freedom. They are controlled in all possible ways by their government. Yet there are many who maintain their spiritual selves in a very disciplined way. Even some of the officials retain certain beliefs that relate them directly with non-physical energies. But the overall role of the government is to control, and this they do at all costs. I have already spoken of certain changes that will help free the people. In addition, there will be great storms from the sea that will create such flood and wind damage unlike any seen to that time. Hurricane winds of 150-200 mph will attack the coastal areas and continue inland for 250-400 miles. These storms will occur, and only their strength will be affected by the will of the people. These destructive storms will begin by the latter part of 1994. The efforts here are to cleanse the countryside of the strict controls of the local leaders. This will give these people a taste of freedom. The storms will also unite the people in helping each other.

It might seem that the Middle East may escape the pains of cleansing, but the Earth has much to remove in these areas. There is unparalleled hatred between the different religions and sects. Each has their own greed at heart. The Jews are fighting the same hatreds they have maintained as sacred rites for centuries. The Muslims do the same. I choose not to detail all, for the hatred is the same. These people lack love for their neighbor and themself. There will be massive earthquakes in such places as Iran, Iraq and Jerusalem. These quakes will open the Earth so that it will remove many of the reasons for the anger and hatred - the material possessions. These Earth changes will give these people the opportunity to work together as one people so they will see that each is a child of God and equal in Its eyes. There are such strong non-love energies in these countries, that I do not anticipate an attitude change, so the Earth will quake for certain.

I leave at this time. I love all on the Earth and I love the Creator of us all."

The Sun God

Love For All Things, And The United Kingdom

July 7, 1992

"You have just heard the beautiful words of Francis** and as a God I tell you few energies have greater love than this one. Few on the Earth know of the loving beauty of this energy known as Francis.

It is with this same love for all on the Earth and the Earth that I speak tonight. It is because of my love for the Earth that she has been granted the most loving permission to raise her level of love. It is because of my love for humankind that I, the Earth, the space friends and all the other loving energies help and offer our love and assistance. I ask that each person listen - listen to me as the loving and understanding energy that I am. Most important, listen to yourself so that you may heed what I am saying.

And so it is that I tell you of the changes to the countries of Europe. I have spoken to these before. But I will tell you more. The country known as the United Kingdom is surrounded by water. It is an island, an island of much energy and much strife. I now tell the people of this land mass, that as parts of Atlantis will arise from the depths, these countries [United Kingdom] will sink beneath the waters. This is to be done for planetary balance. At the same time a cleansing is necessary before these land masses seek the cover of water. There will be great hurricanes that will be for the sole purpose of cleansing the countryside of the negative vibrations of prejudice that are so obvious in these countries. But do not fret, for all those who raise themself and so choose will be able to flee to other lands. This is as it should be. Many will want to know a time for this. I tell you this will occur before the closing of the special God-love energy [the 11:11 window is open until 2012].

I leave in love and in the love of the One Creator."

The Sun God

Earth And The Light Bodies

July 15, 1992

"As each looks around and sees the Earth, the cities, the beautiful mountains, you see many of the things you have expected to know as part of the planet. Practically all that you see is part of the programming each of you have received since the beginning of this incarnation. Quite naturally, each of you have such a reference point to what you know from this lifetime. And unless you have been privileged to see into or travel into your future, you can only assume that the Earth will continue in its present direction. Many are becoming aware of the harm you are doing to the Earth. So perhaps some can see a certain amount of healing that must be done as more become aware.

It is not at all surprising to me that many cannot accept the changes that I have been channeling through Tom. Many others can see the possibility of these happening and a few can rightfully accept most as inevitable. The only problem with humankind's reference point is that the Earth is changing to something that it never was before. It is going to a light-bodied dimension. It will be a planet of light bodies, nothing ever before known as inhabiting the Earth. No one on the Earth as of this moment will be a permanent citizen of the planet when this transformation is completed. Each will have a home but it will not be on the Earth. This is not to create fear but to give each a glimpse of where the Earth is headed. Humankind will be invited to be inhabitants but as light bodied beings who will be a compliment to the planet herself. [These human beings will have elevated their own vibration to that higher level.]

Tom has seen and been to the future as have others. These people know of what I speak. I ask that you listen to them. There will be no great mysteries if you are open to believe and to trust. I and the God Source do not wish that anyone be at all in doubt as to the beautiful development and growth that is here for all to take. It is so difficult for a humankind so inbred with all the 3rd dimensional beliefs of industry, religion and materialism to comprehend what is unfolding before you. It is difficult but it can be understood. Understand this - I love you as does the One Creator and as does the Earth. It is with love that we all choose to ascend to a point or level closer to the One God. It is time for this. Love God. Love yourself. Love each other. With love all things are not just possible but probable.

I will be telling you more of these changes that are to come. But you can also hear it from others. I leave at this time. I love each of you and I love the One Creator of us all."

The Sun God

Brazil And New Zealand

July 28, 1992

"Brazil is a country that has encouraged the destruction of some of its forrests. I have spoken of this already. This country will also have much volcanic activities. There will be one volcano in particular that is waiting to erupt, to not only cleanse the Earth around it, but also to light the way for the brief return of those from space. These space friends have some very specific work to do to this area of your world, but there must be a cleansing to occur first.

New Zealand will be covered with water. This represents a clearing away of many established beliefs. But it is primarily to assist in the physical balancing of the Earth as it speeds into the 5th dimension. I say this for those who inhabit that land to leave if they so choose. This is not a punishment in any way for these people. Those who are there are of the vibration to assist with the covering of water. Even though these have chosen this path, they may also decide to leave if they heed these words.

I will be very specific about certain locales, including the USA. This I will do so that, as many who choose to do so, may take the changes that I give in a serious way. I do not want to catch anyone by surprise. I want all to be prepared, by preparing yourself as a temple of beautiful love for all things. I am not interested in selling a book or any publication. But a book [of these channelings] will be a major way to spread the word to all those on the Earth.

I love all on the Earth and I love the One Creator."

The Sun God

Some of the Sun God's channeled information had been discussed with a small group just prior to the following message. This is what prompted the comment in the first paragraph.

Love, Not Aggression, Is The Answer

August 10, 1992

"It is with interest, love and amusement that I observed the acceptance or non acceptance of my recent responses to certain concerns. I say "amusement", but I mean it in a very loving way. Each person must determine what is acceptable to themself and how each is to assimilate what is heard. I understand the human need for references and relationships. This is part of the physical existence, at least up to this point on the Earth.

I will make these few points at this time. The space friends could quite easily put their "foot down" and stop all aggression, be it human made or of an ET origin. These positive energies have the power to completely and totally control the entities who are helping bombard the Earth with negative energies. But this is not the way of love. It is not the way the God Source has asked us to show our love for the One. It is not the way of your space friends. Love is the answer. It is the only answer. Those who participate in the "other" approach will realize this at some point in their existence. Balance is required. A million "years" of negative actions will require at least that much in positive, loving activity as balance.

So it is best if all of us can help each of you come to this same realization. I love all on the Earth and I love the One Creator."

The Sun God

Louisville, Ky and Havana, Cuba

August 11, 1992

"I will speak directly to some very specific Earth changes. As I recently channeled, I will provide some very specific details so that those who listen may be more attentive to Tom's writings. Each has the choice and this is not intended to undermine that. I know there are those on the Earth who would not believe in these writings regardless. To these I bless and send on their path, and I do love them. There are others who wish to believe but need a "sign". Therefore I provide this to you at this time.

Tom's hometown, as you say, is Louisville, Kentucky which is in the USA. This city, this region is indeed a place of high energy. By this I mean there are many vortices that cross and touch in at this location. But it is also a region that needs much cleansing, as the natural vibrations of love that are focused here are not being harnessed. The materialistic energies of so many people here are creating very strong counter energies. This is most harmful to the Earth. There are institutions in this area that pride themselves in judging the sinners. They pride themselves in refusing to open to the real needs of the people. This is most harmful to the Earth.

This city that has its silhouette along the Ohio River will crumble and fall. The many buildings that paint the sky with their offices will not be tall when the Earth quakes so strong that no one can stand. Two of the bridges that take people to Indiana from Louisville will not stand. Only the third, known as the Sherman Minton bridge, will be allowed to remain so loved ones may move back and forth. This will happen by the end of 1994. This city and its surrounding communities will be deluged with a great flood at this very same time. The water from the Ohio will spill forth into the streets, as what is called Fourth Street will open up and be like a canal. With these events the people of this region will have to look at themself as equal to all others, and they must learn to set aside the material things. For they will be without the conveniences and wordly pleasures many have taken for granted. And from this destruction, this beautiful region can learn to work together and love together and grow into one of the strongest spiritual centers in the world. From the rubble and the massive transitions that occur, this region can choose to become the light center it has agreed to be. But this can only happen when each recognizes that the physical needs are only to support the spiritual expressions. True brotherly love can be the survivor.

The other region I wish to draw your attention to at this time is the city called Havana, in the country called Cuba. This region still clings to the total control over humankind, and they do create this for themselves. Those in this city say they long for a peaceful and loving community. This city, too, will bare the wrath of a massive earthquake. It will be so mighty that not a single major building in the city will be left standing. Many thousands of people will choose this time to transition. Immediately following the earthquakes will be major epidemics that are part of the cleansing process. The people need to realize that no one person or no one thing has to be there to have control over them. These people must learn that they are responsible for themself.

When this cleansing is complete, it will open the country to those who wish to assist their brothers and sisters in a most loving way, to learn to love themself and have respect for the Earth and their fellow human. I tell you this will happen, and other things as well. Many of the surrounding areas will be affected in very dramatic ways. This too will happen, probably by the end of 1994 but no later than mid 1995.

These Earth changes that I have mentioned are part of the cleansing that is necessary to make the Earth ready for its 5th dimensional climb. These are not punishments in any way. Let those who heed these words, do so with an open heart, an open mind and with love. Let all of humankind bond together in a loving way and let the collective loving energies propel the Earth and yourselves into the next dimension. It can be done so easily. Love is always easy.

I leave at this time. I love all things on the Earth. I love the One Creator of us all."

The Sun God

The Earth Has Her Rights Too, And Live In Love

August 11, 1992

The God Source: "I AM. I love you.

It may seem difficult for those who listen to the Earth changes and wonder about the danger to themself and those they love. Many may say a "just God" would not do this. These words are often heard by Me. If only each of you would realize that your Mother Earth has the right to be free from harm and free to move to a higher state, then perhaps you would not be so quick to blame or judge. Each of you agreed to be exactly where you are. You did this with the full knowledge and understanding that great changes are to occur. You did agree to be part of those changes. Each of you has as much of an opportunity as all others to open your heart and soul to love and to the light. I am most pleased when you expand your own level of love to sincerely include yourself and all others. When each does this, you then can joyfully join in the celebration of your own growth. Then, together we can all feel the love of oneness.

I ask only that you strive to love to the best of your individual abilities. For when there is total individual love, there is universal love. Do not complicate your life. Live it in pure, simple love.

I leave at this time. I AM LOVE FOR ALL THINGS."

The God Source

Hurricane Andrew just recently swept through southern Florida then onto the Louisiana coastland. The news media is filled with reports about the human condition, along with vandalism, price gouging and lack of concern for others. There have also been many stories of people helping people and some doing this at great personal sacrifce.

Hurricane Andrew, Antarctica, Living Off The Land, Alternative Energy, And Costa Rica

August 31, 1992

"Your country has just witnessed the cleansing power of a hurricane. This has been a part of the process, yet just a warning or preparation to allow minds and energies to begin focusing on the real issues of life. As you have been reading [and hearing from the media], most people are not ready to love together and work together. This is a shame, but it is their path. But I have seen many others open up in exactly the way I had hoped. To these I am very pleased. I encourage this to continue in spite of the high emotions and typical bureaucratic motives and actions of many. It seems that most of you have major adjustments to make and I encourage you to begin. At the same time, continue to shine and grow in the most positive and loving spiritual way. For it is these energies of love that will have the most dramatic affect on the Earth changes. Love remains the key.

As for other changes to occur, I have spoken before of the pole shifts. This will have a most profound affect on the planet as a whole. But Antarctica or the South Pole as most know it, will warm and create tremendously high water levels with its melting glaciers. Some of this has already begun but not at a rapid rate. The waters and ice meltings will produce great tidal waves that will completely devastate the land masses to which these tidal waves connect. There will be one wave after another until the avalanches cease and the ice is well on its way to melting. Because of their tremendous depth, the melting will take many years to complete.

The melting of the poles will also uncover many true treasures of nature and will awaken certain parts of nature and certain life forms that many have thought were only tales from books. Humankind will be amazed at these new discoveries, yet this will certainly be tempered by the many changes occurring elsewhere, as no doubt physical survival will be the major issue for many.

This leads into the next area I wish to mention. It is not my intent nor is it Mother Earth's to deliberately and very specifically cause people to suffer physically and have great fears. This is a physical existence though, therefore you are subject to physical laws as well as inconveniences due to the changes. The Earth would have changed or ascended to the 5th dimension regardless. But it is humankind that has chosen a certain lifestyle at the exclusion of certain other knowledge and ways of existence. Consequently, there are going to be many "natural" repercussions from the changes. It is how each learns to deal with these that is so important. Witness your Florida area in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew. So many of you have turned the responsibility for yourself over to others [such as the government or other help agencies]. However, to maintain self responsibility may itself cause greater inconveniences at times, such as with this natural event.

Each would do well to learn how to live off the land. By this I mean to take advantage of the many natural resources the Earth has available to you, even as humankind destroys and pollutes many others [natural resources]. Here I speak of the naturally clean waterways and underground springs. Learn to know and appreciate the tremendous number of herbs and natural growths that can be used as food, medicines and shelter. The human body was created with the full appreciation for eating the things that nature provides. The human made processes and the artifical reproduction of the food chains, have caused many of your current health problems. You think that your bodies have adapted, but they really have not. Your medical professions are getting honest but erroneous readings from the bodily systems of the people. They have been doing it so long now, they actually do not have a true reference point for a healthy, functioning body. Some do, but these are ever so few.

It is past due for humankind to develop alternative fuel sources. There is no need to burn and use the fossil fuels. There is no need to have the huge industrial complexes. These are part of those built in controls that the Blend of Loving Energies** has recently channeled [to Tom]. Humankind has a false sense in the need for technology and "advances". You are moving in the completely wrong direction.

It is most important that each one of you learn the basics of life, living and survival, but in a loving and helpful way. There are those elements or energies currently in your society, as well as others to arrive [from other planets] who will encourage you to continue your dependence on the technologies of the future. These same energies wish to continue that control over you so you cannot see or know your true self, your true spiritual beingness. They believe this can not only deter your spiritual independence (if you continue in their control), but also change the desired course of the planet Earth. I encourage you, each one, to at least listen with an open mind to the channeled words of Tom and many others whose goal and interests are to serve humankind, the Earth, and indeed the positive aspects of the universe.

On the subject of alternative energy, I am the source of unlimited energy for all the planets in this solar system. The Sun is a free and perfectly clean source of energy. The technology is already on the Earth to produce electricity at almost no cost and in a most efficient manner. This information needs to be shared and is for all of humankind. Additionally, your space friends will be giving you alternative ways to harness the Sun's energies. They will share this for they love the Earth and humankind.

So I have given you some ideas and suggestions on ways to grow and develop. But it remains within each of your domain's to accept or reject. Of course there are many ways to live in harmony with your own bodies and the Earth body. But each of you would be wise to explore these.

I will conclude this channeling with an Earth change. The land of Costa Rica is needed as a balance to the new orbit and spin of the Earth. This land mass will rise up as mountains will "grow" to assist in the physical balance that I mentioned. This will occur as a result of tremendous volcanic eruptions. This land will have twin mountain tops that reach well into the clouds. But to do this, those occupying this region must leave or fall victim to nature's calling. Many will transition as they have agreed to provide their energies to assist in this mountain growth. But others may choose to leave. There will be a series of three eruptions in order for the mountain growth to be complete. This will begin in 1998 and be concluded by 2006. During this time, these lands will be uninhabitable.

I leave as I am a God of love for the Earth and all those on it, and for the One Creator of all things."

The Sun God